Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Introduction to The Fickle Scribbler

I'm Julia. Nice to meet you.

 I've recently graduated secondary school and now I'm  a fresher studying Creative Digital Media. My original desire was to do Illustration at NCAD, but that ship sailed without me...Say hello to the well known foe of many...Procrastination... 

The purpose of this blog is for posting my reflections and processes on assignments related to the Digital Media module. In this day and age, technology has become is our lives. So one of my goals is to have a good understanding of it. However, I may or may not be introducing snippets of other interests in the future. 

✎I used to be an avid League of Legends player, so you might take a guess where most of my productivity went. I still kick in a few matches from time to time. Why League you might ask? Well, because it's one of the few games I can run on my computer.

So now I'm pretty keen on trying to be a more productive human being. Although I am clueless on answering the big 'watchu gonna do?' question; I'm starting to consider CDM a better fit for me as I begin to sample this buffet and figure out which module attracts me more.

✎Since I previously attempted to join an Illustration course you bet I try (note I said try) my hand at drawing. More often than not, it doesn't turn out they way I pictured however there are some pieces I am satisfied with. 

✎ I enjoy travelling. It helps me widen my perspective. Recently, I've spent a week in Lisbon where I left Ireland as a minor and returned a changed woman (not really). Anyways, Lisbon is a beautiful place and still insanely warm around this time of year. If any of you decide to book a holiday there, I really recommend you try out their famous Pastéis de Belém. It's a delicious custard tart surrounded by layers of crunchy egg pastry. For some of you who want something a little more..😉  I recommend a frizzante rose - Matues . Of course,  there are other bigger and badder boys out there but this is one I enjoyed in particular.  

✎I am for the most part a passive person however I can be quite competitive. Once, I  have unintentionally exposed a poor guy's underwear whilst in a game of tag rugby at school. 

✎Reading used to be one of my favorite pleasures of life and I'm just getting back to it again. If anyone has any suggestions, I am quite open to give almost anything a try. 

Writing is my jam but this sort of thing has me hitting both bars of pleasure and grumbling foot-dragging ( I not a big fan of introductions) which is why this post isn't as long as it could've been. If you made it to the end of this post then I am pleased that it has entertained you at least little. 

Reflection on Mission 3: Methodology

Digital Journalism Out of all the missions this semester, in terms of teamwork, I'd say we have excelled the most in t...